Stem cells collection: a simple gesture, without any risk

The gynaecologist performs the collection of cord blood and tissue immediately after childbirth: a painless procedure and without any risk both for the mother and the baby

Umbilical cord blood or cord tissue is collected in the minutes following the birth, after the gynaecologist has clamped and cut the cord. This procedure is therefore painless and without any risk both for the mother and the baby.

The gynaecologist performs the collection of cord blood and tissue: immediately after childbirth (in the first minute of life), the cord is clamped in two points, one of which as close as possible to the baby’s abdomen. The cord is then cut in this isolated segment and the child is given to the care of the delivery room staff.

Before the placenta is expelled, the gynaecologist proceeds to the collection of the cord blood. After carefully disinfecting the cord, the gynaecologist uses the sterile bag already provided with a needle inside our kit, to collect the blood contained within the umbilical cord. It is, in essence, a normal venous sampling totally harmless and painless. It is very important to take as much blood as possible to ensure a successful stem cell extraction procedure.

Once the blood has been collected, the gynaecologist proceeds with the collection of the cord tissue: the procedure consists in cutting a segment of the cord of 10-15 cm, as close as possible to the placenta and away from the side from which the blood was taken. The ideal portion of tissue is as straight as possible and without lesions. The segment is then carefully disinfected and placed in an appropriate cup containing saline solution supplied with our kit.

Once in the laboratory, the staff in charge proceeds to the analysis, separation and preservation of the stem cells in liquid nitrogen.

The collection of umbilical cord stem cells can also be carried out in the case of caesarean section and twin delivery. In addition, collection is possible in all maternity wards in Switzerland.

This is a unique opportunity: contact Nescens Swiss Stem Cell Science for more information or visit our website.
