Stem cells: did you know that there is a strong compatibility between siblings?

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells capable of generating the different cell types that make up the adult individual. Due to their differentiation capacities, stem cells are of great interest in various medical fields. What also makes them very interesting is their greater histocompatibility, which means that this type of cell can often be used within […]

Salvador’s story: using stem cells to treat autism

Salvador, a five-year-old Portuguese boy who was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, recently underwent treatment using stem cells from his own umbilical cord blood with the aim of improving his condition. The procedure was carried out in August 2022, at Duke University Hospital, in the United States of America (USA), within the scope of the […]

Third person ‘cured’ of HIV after receiving stem cell cancer treatment

A 53-year-old man in Düsseldorf, Germany, has been declared cured of HIV by doctors after a blood stem cell transplant to treat leukaemia – the third case of this kind. The man has no signs of active infection four years after he stopped taking antiretroviral drugs. “We don’t think there’s a functional virus present,” says Björn Jensen at Düsseldorf University Hospital. The “Düsseldorf […]

World Cord Blood Day

In honour of the world day dedicated to cord blood (17 November): so that every day may be the day dedicated to this priceless resource

Umbilical cord: bank it with Nescens

Until a few years ago, babies’ umbilical cord was simply thrown away as waste. Today families have the opportunity to bank the umbilical cord and preserve a very valuable resource for the medicine of the future