How to preserve your child’s health?
Until a few years ago, the umbilical cord was discarded after the birth of the child. Today, families can choose to bank it, thus preserving a very precious resource for the medicine of the future. Interview with Prof. Dr. Christian Breymann, gynaecologist at the Ärzteztezentrum Hirslanden-Seefeld.
Bonding: a lifelong connection
The deep and exclusive relationship between mother and child begins from the first months of pregnancy
The miracle of pregnancy
Pregnancy is much more than a biological process, starting from conception which is far from simple and obvious
Gestational leucorrhoea, a physiological phenomenon
Gestational leucorrhoea accompanies women throughout their nine months of pregnancy according to a physiological process
Umbilical cord blood and tissue collection: a simple gesture, without any risk
It is, in essence, a normal venous sampling totally harmless and painless
Post-partum defluvium: what is it and how to contrast it?
After childbirth, the collapse of estrogen levels results in a more or less acute hair loss. However, do not despair: post-partum defluvium is a physiological and temporary process.
Alcohol in pregnancy: these are the risks for your baby
Abnormalities caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy range from mild neuro-behavioral problems to the full manifestation of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome symptoms
Summer with your baby
Protect your child’s skin from the sun and heat by taking the right precautions, and enjoy the summer together
The first week with my baby: how best to deal with it
The arrival of a child is a new challenge and there is no shortage of difficulties: here are some tips that will help you to get used to your new role
How long does it take for a baby belly to go away?
In nine months, the woman’s body forms a new life, at the same time undergoing great physical changes: give yourself as much time to return as before