Spina bifida: the story of Emma

How umbilical cord stem cells helped baby girl Emma to recover after the surgery she underwent a few hours after her birth to correct the congenital defect

After the diagnosis of spina bifida, little Emma’s parents tackled the problem with all the effort and concentration possible to ensure their baby girl a healthy life.

Neurosurgeon Pavel Plavskiy from the hospital in Kiev proved to be of enormous help to the young family. The doctor not only operated on the baby within hours of birth to correct the congenital spina bifida defect, but immediately advised Emma’s parents to preserve the umbilical cord at birth.

The neurosurgeon performed a study on the use of cord stem cells in 39 newborns with spina bifida, finding that intravenous infusion of stem cells following surgery was critical to restore blood loss and stimulate repair of damaged tissue.

The umbilical cord is an extraordinary source of stem cells, easily and immediately available: discover how to preserve this precious resource with Nescens Swiss Stem Cell Science.


Source: https://parentsguidecordblood.org/en/news/emmas-story-spina-bifida-surgery-cord-blood
